
Bamoke Cake

9 Oz of flour
4 eggs
White wine
5 Oz of Gruyère
1 packet of yeast
8 round slices of bacon
10 dried tomatoes
1 mozzarella
2,5 Oz of nuts

1 large bowl
1 mould
An oven
2 tablespoons
1 knife

First, preheat the oven at 180 degrees.
Second, put the floor into a large bowl with the eggs and mix a little bit with 2 tablespoons.
Third, in the large bowl, add 10 tablespoons of oil and 10 tablespoons of white wine. Mix.
Then, take a knife and cut the bacon into slices, and cut the mozzarella into pieces.
Add the bacon and the mozzarella in the large bowl, with 5 Oz of Gruyère, 2,5 Oz of nuts and a packet of yeast. Mix all with your tablespoons.
Shed the mix into a mould.
Then, put the mould into the oven, wait 40 minutes, it's ready !

Personal comments
I made this recipe because of my origins. When I saw that we had to do a work related with another country, I immediately thought about my family origins. So I took my three family origins which are : American origins from my grandfather, Italian origins from my grandmother, French from the rest of the family.
I took the American origin from my grandfather who lived in California for 10 years. Bacon is a typical American food ! I took the Italian origin from my grandmother who was born in Italy and lived there for 8 years. Mozzarella is typically Italian food ! And then, I took my French origins from the rest of family and added the rest of the ingredients.
Then I wanted a base for my recipe, and I chose the cake. In the cake we can add anything so it was easy to make.

Hope you will enjoy it ! Thanks for reading. Have a nice day !

By Delpech Constant

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